We anticipate that the attendees at this years conference will have job describations
such as: Engineering student services staff; Minority engineering program staff;
High school teachers and administrators; Community college engineering instructors;
Communication skills specialists; Engineering faculty - Small 4-year institutions;
Engineering faculty - Large 4-year institutions; Engineering education academic
administrators; Intro to Engineering course instructors - Technical content-focus;
Intro to Engineering course instructors - Team-based engineering design project
focus; Intro to Engineering course instructors - Student development/student success
focus; and Department of Engineering Education - Faculty and administrators. This
interactive session is designed to allow all these attendees to share their insights
into the following topics on First Year Engineering.
- Best practices for FYE courses/programs
- Transitioning students from high school to engineering study
- Sharing FYE successes
- Academic advising for FYE students
- FYE courses having "student development/student success" focus
- Challenges of implementing FYE courses/programs in community colleges
- Designing a FYE course
- Retention strategies for underrepresented FYE students
- Strategies for strengthening students' commitment to engineering
- Engineering education research
- Implementation of team-based engineering design projects in FYE courses
- Teaching communication skills to FYE students
The Discussion leaders are:
- Sara Atwood, Elizabethtown College
- Kevin Calabro, University of Maryland
- Matthew Carroll, Texas A & M University at Galveston
- Karen De Urquidi, East Carolina University
- Ana Dison, The University of Texas Austin, Women in Engineering Program
- Joe Holtgreive, Northwestern University
- Annette Jacobson, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies-Carnegie Mellon Engineering
- Jean Kampe, Michigan Technological University
- Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Mississippi State University
- James Orbison, Bucknell University
- Natalie Van Tyne, Colorado School of Mines