Welcome to the 6th Annual First Year Engineering Experience


Enhancing the First-year of Engineering Education

August 7 - 8, 2014

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

As a continuation of the Dialogue started in 2005 at the University of Notre Dame and on behalf of the Texas A&M University, we welcome you to the First Year Engineering Experience. This 6th Annual First Year Engineering Experience Conference is being held at The Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. The program committee welcomes you to College Station and hopes that you will find your time here enjoyable and valuable as you participate in the broad range of experiences that have been planned. More information can be found on the conference flyer or by scanning the web site.

FYEE is a unique opportunity that allows attendees and presenters to discuss ideas, reflect on the topics and issues from the sessions, and chart new directions and collaborations. We hope to see lots of new faces at FYEE 2014, and also hope that those who have attended previous conferences will join us for this one.

The FYEE program begins on Thursday morning at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center, with a series of interactive workshops, lunch and a group discussion on topics related to the First Year, to set the tone for the proceedings. Invited facilitators from around the country will hold short workshops and discussion groups on important topics, where the facilitator and attendees will have the opportunity to interact. The afternoon will include a series of technical sessions that will discuss topics related to the first year. The schedule is designed to allow attendees to participate in multiple activities on Thursday. Following this there will be a reception where attendees will have the opportunity to meet, mingle and discuss the topics from the days workshops, in an evening of sharing and networking as presenters and attendees attend a social event inside the the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum on the Texas A&M University Campus.

Friday is a day of "Best practice" presentations, when the attendees will present their work and show how it fits into the discussions from the previous days activities. Friday will conclude with a summary session where the high points of the conference are summarized to create talking points that then become the starting workshops for the 2015 conference.

Teri Reed and P. K. Imbrie
Texas A&M University
FYEE 2014 General Chair


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