FYEE 2016 Session Index

Session T1D: Enrollment, Instruction, and Pedagogy - 2 (Focus on design based projects)
Chair: Dr. Rick Freuler, The Ohio State University
Time: Tuesday August 2, 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m., Scott Laboratory E040

This page contains a list of all papers in this session. Click on the title of the paper to see the paper.

Susan Freeman, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Northeastern University; Courtney Pfluger, Northeastern University; Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University; Mark Sivak, Northeastern University; Josh Hertz, Northeastern University
Andrew Lau, Penn State
Hugh Smith, Cal Poly Computer Engineering Program
Wes Lawson, University of Maryland
Brian Robinson, University of Louisville