FYEE 2015 Author Index

This file contains a listing of all conference authors whose last name begins with the letter M. The list is arranged alphabetically by the author's last name. Click on the title of the paper to see the paper. Click on the additional authors to see their Author Index entries.

Maase, Eric Manning, Kenneth S. Martin, Ally Matusovich, Holly May, Tim Mayhorn, Jonathan McCord, Rachel E. McCusker, James R. McElravy, L.J. McFalls, Rachel McGlothlin Lester, Marlena McLeod, Heather McPheron, Benjamin D. Mendoza Diaz, Noemi V. Merrill, John A. Michalaka, Dimitra Miller, John Mitchell, Christopher Mitchell, Zane Windsor Mohammadi-Aragh, Jean Morelock, John Muenzenberge, Amber Myer, Lindsay D